Paolo Laureti Race Manager

Paolo Laureti

Race Manager RAI e Presidente Team

Born in 1976

President ASD Bike & Dreams and RAI Race Manager.

From his mind was born the idea in 2009 to organize in Italy the  Ultracycling first event. Paolo is an Ultracyclist and at that time he was forced to ride always  abroad to participate in this type of events.

Race Across Italy was  born, and since the first edition,  it received the approval of the whole Ultracycling Community in Italy and worldwide.

Paolo, thanks to his technical and organizational skills , created in  few years a great event , he founded a  Bike Team to support the Race Across Italy made of volunteers and bike lovers, forming them to be RAI Race Officials . The result has been  exceptional.

The Race Across Italy Team and Asd Bike & Dreams melt together  in that magical atmosphere that is the RAI.

Do you want to know more about Paolo ?

Visit his website

Raimondo Panaccio

Raimondo Panaccio

Together with Paolo Laureti he is one of the founders of ASD Bike&Dreams, which initially had the goal of bringing Paolo to the Race Across America, but then the history was different. 

Raimondo since the beginning has been essential to finalize  RAI track, to coordinate all the activities and to manage  Time Station 3

As a cyclist, he is our “killer”, always looking  for KOMs on hills with the hardest climb. Don’t believe him  when he says he is not in shape!

Francesca Attili

Francesca Attili

She has been always invloved since the beginning, in  all social activities of the team and of the RAI events. 

Her great experience supporting  Paolo Laureti during his partecipation to  ultracycling races , both Road and MTB has been real crucial to manage the Race Across Italy and make it growing.

Export Manager for most of her working career, she speaks English, French, German and Spanish. She’s obviously  the key contact for all non-Italian participants.
She coordinates Marketing and Media,  and take care of all back office pre-race  activities giving  support  and information  for those interested in Race across Italy events,

She organize all the social activities and follows the development of new projects.
In short, the “pink quotas” that count!

Antonio Mazzone

Antonio Mazzone

Key member Paolo’s Crew supporting him in his 24 H races, MTB deep lover, Antonio has been riding longer and longer BdC rides….being part of RAI Ultracycling Community naturally leads you to try new experiences. In the Race Across Italy, he is one of the Race Officials who monitor the route, and he give a great support in all logistics activities. Together with Patrizia, he has always helped to prepare Race Pack, so appreciated by our participants.
In our MTB tours is our “TOMTOM” as he knows extremely well all the local trails. If Antonio is there you don’t get lost and be careful when he opens the accelerator as he never gives up!

Franco Michele

Michele Franco

He was, together with Antonio, member of Paolo’s Crew in his 24H Races.
He’s the fastest in the world to dismount and store all the equipment at the end of the race and also the best to cook our “arrosticini” that in some Randonnée have been so much appreciated by cyclists and have been  for longin the memory of many. He is a member of the RAI Officials, and he attending to  Time Stations.
MTB lover, when you meet him on a downhill it’s better to let him pass …. otherwise he finds a way to do it alone! If you are able to ride behind him, you will surely have much to learn.

Giulio Cialini

Giulio Cialini

Giulio’s great energy is motivating all of us during the most difficult moments; moreover,  his quiet attitude and great availability are a wonderful example for the others.
Giulio is also a Race Across Italy Official and he actively participates to all the logistic activities because he is tireless!
Giulio divides his activity between RoadBike and MTB.  In the last period, his goal is to make at least 1000 meters of elevation each ride and that’s why  he is from now on  our “Mr. MILLE”.

Alessandro Cipressi

Alessandro Cipressi

Alessandro is one of the most recent members in Bike & Dreams Team, but he immediately understood the spirit and shared our vision of the activities.
Deep lover of nature, of the mountains in all its aspects and with a great passion for meteorology, he always proposes very interesting rides; moreover he is very precious in planning rides when you don’t want to come back “slightly” wet.
He is a RAI Official and in the Race he provides logistical support
When he joined the Team, he rode only the road bike, but he has been then influenced by our passion for the MTB becoming one of the main organizers of amazing rides. He loves long distances, spending time on the bike and enjoying a different experience that only this can give you!

Marco Formicone

Marco Formicone

Marco joined our team by chance during a Christmas dinner, where he presented his trip/adventure in South America…Paolo had the idea to make him the official speaker of the Race across Italy.
Great lover of bike traveling, few years ago he has moved to London, for job, where he obviously continues his passion.
During these years he has not been only Race Across Italy’ s official speaker, but he has managed to get in syntony with every single participant creating unique and unforgettable moments.
His “Go go gooooooo” on every start is now a MUST and we can’t wait to hear him again!

Mauro Di Filippo

Mauro Di Filippo

Mauro is our main ingredient of happiness in any activity of the team; a bike ride, a dinner together or the hard work during the Race across Italy, he always succeeds in “lightening” the stress with one of his laughs and funny comments!
His contagious smile always helps …
He is a member of Race Officials Team and provides logistical support.
When he joined the Bike Team he rode only MTB and for him the Ultracycling incluences to ride on a Road Bike and recently he gain his first 200 km ride!
In MTB always ready to sprint for a few meters against the opponent on duty, in an imaginary finish line but as if he is in a Giro d’Italia!

Pasqualino Lupinetti

Pasqualino Lupinetti

Lino, for those who don’t know him, may seem at first a little bit angry , after just a few words with him and you will discover a very friendly person.
Always involved in the different team activities, even out of town;.
He is member of Race across Italy Officials Team, he gives support to the logistic to the Time Stations.
Lino loves the mountains both riding but also searching for mushrooms , one of his other passion.
He prefers quiet MTB rides and Road Bike too, but if you push him he defends himself very well.

Luigi Forcella

Luigi Forcella

Luigi joined the Team being on the sidelines, during last Race across Italy he has become more and more important during all the event giving an exceptional support, also technical thanks to his skills.
Tireless person and always ready to give a hand, he is a Race Official, helping with logistics and time station
Road Bike with long ride are his great passion, which he often shares with Ugo Grossi, one of our teammate.

Carmine Italiani

Carmine Italiani

Carmine has been one of the first members of our team and therefore has lived and shared all what we have done together in recent years.
He’s always involved in all the team activities, since we started the Race across Italy he gave his support for logistics and coordination.
He loves the road and enjoys quiet rides on our beautiful hills.

Lucio Tarsilli

Lucio Tarsilli

Lucio joined our team as he knew us first for Race across Italy and for our vocation to promote a different kind of cycling.
Lucio also has a great passion for long distances and recently completed the Rando Imperator in Germany.
It was easier for him to understand and support the various activities, since he had already done similar experiences, he perfectly understand the feelings of every participants .
He has always supported all the logistic activities

In the future we hope to see him at the Start Line of Race across Italy!

Nino Sarra

Nino Sarra

Nino has collected many participations in various Randonnée Long bike rides have always been in his life.
Sometimes silent and taciturn, despite some personal difficulties he had to face in the last period, he has been always present in all RAI events, taking care of the logistics.
He has also cpartecipated to the Race across Italy unfortunately not successful … but never says never!

Gianluca Tancredi

Gianluca Tancredi

Gianluca enjoys cycling both MTB and Road Bike , but he always rides listening good music, which is the other big passion he has.
He is member of the Race across Italy team and supporting logistic and giving his support in case of emergencies, especially during the latest edition conditioned by the Covid-19.
He has fun pushing in our winter mtb “hill” rides and we will surely see him soon fighting with Mauro in their famous imaginary finish lines!

Davide Quintigliani

Davide Quintiliani

This is Davide, the newest member of Team Bike & Dreams who immediately became involved both in the bike team and in the Race Across Italy.
A versatile sportsman, but his first love is cycling on the road… he always wants to ride in new directions.
His cycling dream? To participate and finish the RAI within the maximum time! And we will be all with you! and ….as Marco says “Go! Davide Go Gooooooo!”.

Ugo Grossi

Ugo Grossi

He’s a Road bike lover and he often shares long rides with Luigi Forcella visiting villages and exploring amazing landscapes of our Region.

Mario Spezialetti

Mario Spezialetti

Mario has always been in the team and supports our events with passion and energy that he applies not only to cycling but also to tennis, his other big passion.
He is a Race Officiale and he support the logistic and Time Station ,
He is our Cyclotennist!

Patrizia di Francesco

Patrizia Di Francesco

Another “pink quota” , she has always supported Race Across Italy in  all the activities from check in to race pack preparation,.

She is in the Race Officials Team to monitor riders along the route.
Always there to support the team and our Ultra events with her great enthusiasm.

Would you like to join  Bike & Dreams team or to become a volunteer for the next Race Across Italy on April 23rd  2022?

We are looking for YOU!

Fill in the form now and we will get back to you as soon as possible with all the information.



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